Deal Comparison Matrix

The Deal Comparison Matrix for sites on the shortlist compares and tracks terms – both quantitative and qualitative –throughout the negotiation process.

Executive Summary of Lease Terms

The Executive Summary of Lease Terms provides a simplified “cheat sheet” for decision makers to quickly understand, evaluate, and approve lease terms.

Detailed Cash Flow

A Detailed Cash Flow outlines annual cash flows – rents, operating cost escalations, landlord incentives, out-of-pocket capital expenditures including FF&E – over the life of the lease. It also provides a holistic view of the entire occupancy cost – both capital and operating expenses.

Financial Modeling

Financial Modeling is used to quantify negotiating positions from the landlord and the tenant’s perspective, and helps guide the terms of your counter proposals.

Employee Mapping and Commute

Employee Mapping and Commute studies identify how a specific location affects the commute times of employees, individually, by department, by job function, by seniority, or whatever metric you choose.

Portfolio Management Reports

Global Real Estate Portfolio Summary

The Global Real Estate Portfolio Summary – consolidates web-based portfolio expense reporting, internal accounting reporting, and headcount/capacity management data into a single dashboard for quick reference to key portfolio metrics.

Key Dates Schedule

Key Dates Schedule – forecasts lead times needed to sufficiently plan for lease renewals, expansions, relocations, and terminations.

Capital Expense Cost Summary

Capital Expense Cost Summary – records capital costs, tracks FF&E investment, and allows us to allocate costs by category, square footage, or headcount. This report provides quick reference to historical costs and metrics. It allows us to tally up the total occupancy costs, and to forecast future capital expenses.

Expense Remaining

Expense Remaining provides a 5+ year outlook of lease obligations by year for financial forecasting and accounting.